Paleocoran reconstructs codices of the Qurʾān that were originally kept in the ʿAmr-ibn-al-ʿĀṣ-Moschee of al-Fusṭāṭ (Old-Cairo). Fragments accessible by this website are today hold in libraries in Berlin, Birmingham, Chicago, Doha, Gotha, Kopenhagen, Kuweit, Leiden, London, Paris, Philadelphia, Rom, Saint-Petersburg, Washington, Wolfenbüttel and other. The project lists reconstructed codices under virtual call numbers Codex Amrensis 1, Codex Amrensis 2 etc. The Latin adjective "Amrensis" is derived from the name of the conqueror Amr b. al-ʿĀṣ (d. 664), who had the first mosque of al-Fusṭāṭ constructed.
Pelocoran gives online access to the fragments and shows which of these have formed originally a codex. In the series Documenta Coranica founded by F. Déroche, Michael Marx and Christian Robin reconstructed codices are published as facsimile editions, see the first volume Eléonore Cellard, Codex Amrensis 1, Leiden 2018.
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